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Best Indoor Home Exercise without Equipment

Best Indoor Home Exercise without Equipment
Best Indoor Home Exercise without Equipment. 
Jump Rope
My husband recently bought a jump rope, and I couldn’t help but laugh because it reminded me of elementary school. I always thought jump ropes were for little girls, but boy, was I wrong!

About a minute into jumping rope, I was literally out of breath. I only made it a few minutes, and my calves were killing me the next day.
 Stair Stepping
Stair stepping is a great exercise to do in your home, even if you don’t have a set of stairs available. Find the biggest book you own (or a sturdy chair), put it in front of the TV, and step up and down while watching your favorite show. You may not work up a sweat like you would with a jump rope, but you will be keeping your body active and healthy.

The Plank
If you don’t have a lot of time, but you want to build up your core muscles, this is the exercise for you. Get into a push-up position, but instead of bending your arms and moving down towards the floor, hold the position with your arms extended. Start off holding the position for 30 seconds, and add an additional 10 seconds every day. See how long you can go for – it’s definitely not easy! This is one of the most challenging exercises, but it’s also one of the of the best for your core.

Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your hips (almost like you’re sitting in a chair). As you bend your knees, your thighs will be parallel with the floor, says exercise physiologist Andrea Doepker-Gavidia of Train For Life Fitness & Lifestyle Consulting in Saskatoon. Ensure your knees don’t go beyond your toes and keep your chest up and look straight ahead. Stand back up to start position and repeat.

Triceps Push-Ups:
Place your hands on the floor and keep them under your shoulders. Holding your body straight, bend your elbows close to you body. Lower your chest between your hands and push back up into the starting position. If you’re having trouble completing a push-up, place your knees on the floor to make things easier. For intensity, raise your feet up onto stairs or an elevated surface to increase the difficulty.

To start, get into a semi-squat position and leap sideways to land on your right foot. Immediately push off in the opposite direction and land on your left foot. Make sure you perform these skaters continuously.

YouTube Workouts
There are a lot of workout routines on YouTube. You can search “workout,” or you can search by the specific type of workout that you would like. This eliminates the need to use workout DVDs, and it allows you to mix up what you are doing to avoid boredom and lose weight fast. YouTube is also great if you want to do a traditional workout with push-ups, squats, and crunches, but are unsure on how to properly do these types of exercises. There are tons of videos that instruct you on how to use correct form as you exercise.
Best Indoor Home Exercise without Equipment Best Indoor Home Exercise without Equipment Reviewed by Unknown on 2:54:00 PM Rating: 5

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